2013 SPF Community Awards

[CENTER]2013 SPF Community Awards
Deadline to vote: December 31st, 2013

A couple weeks ago, we surveyed the SitePoint Forums community to give us names for who they thought best represented the various areas of the forum.

These names have been gathered, vetted and organized, and these are the top names given by our members - it’s up to you to help decide who’s the best of the best!

And to make it all a little more tempting, SitePoint has stepped in and offered two year-long subscriptions to Learnable, and a couple t-shirts to boot. Not bad, huh? A few minutes of your time, and not only are you recognizing the other members of the forums for their hard work and dedication, but you could get something out of it too?

Here are the only stipulations:

  1. You do NOT have to vote for every award, but you can only vote once regardless, so be sure you’re done!
  2. If you want a chance at one of the vouchers, you MUST provide your SPF username AND the email you’re registered there under. They must match, or you won’t be in the running for the vouchers.
  3. Voting is only open until December 31st, 2013 at 11:59PM Pacific Time (GMT + 9 - I think) so get your votes in now!
  4. If you’re in the running for an award, good luck!







Voted :slight_smile:


Voted :slight_smile:

Congrats to all the nominees!

Voted {and enjoyed it}


After some research - voted!

Thanks for the opportunity. Looking forward to the results!

voted in the poll have I


Voted. Good luck to all nominees !


Voted. (And I didn’t vote for myself - that would be disingenuous) :slight_smile:

We know you wouldn’t do that… :shifty:

Our members are really honest people. :wink:

Indeed they are - I really DIDN’T vote for myself. Although I was tempted … :wink:


Voted. Good luck everyone that is running.