2009 Community Awards - Vote Now and earn a chance to win 1 of 5 $200 gift voucher!

All I was saying is that several attempts were made to contact each of those nominated prior to the lists being published. Obviously something went wrong with the attempts to contact you (as was presumably explained by PM).

i have voted

Time’s running out to vote! Don’t miss your opportunity to make you voice heard!!!

I don’t know why you thought it was a competition Ryan, I kept my vote impartial by not voting in any section which I was nominated (rather than voting for myself!). It will be interesting to see the final results (I am guessing Dave will be announcing their conclusion later on as we are approaching the deadline). :slight_smile:

Dave, when do you do you think the final votes are going to be announced? :slight_smile:

Sometime over the weekend would be my best guess. I will need time to verify votes, figure out who wins the gift certificates and craft the announcement.

I didnt say it was a competition. It was a joke which you obviously missed :rofl:. I sent you a PM (which will explain why I asked if Blake would be leaving the nomination post)

I kept my vote impartial by not voting in any section which I was nominated (rather than voting for myself!). It will be interesting to see the final results (I am guessing Dave will be announcing their conclusion later on as we are approaching the deadline). :slight_smile:

I PMd him yesterday and he said sometime during the 1st…or whenever I guess he makes sure no ties etc.

I voted where I had an opinion, that is all :).

I am editing this at 1:54 (post created 1:37), the time went up to edit!

Awesome, thanks Dave. =)

Now that everybody eligible to vote has done so, and we await the results, I just wanted to say good luck to all, and congradulations on being nominated in the first place. My own came as a complete and total surprise to me, so was an honor in itself.

Happy New Year!

I couldn’t have said it better myself Serenarules. :tup:

Whoever wins in each category the award will be well deserved. One of the nice things about the SitePoint forums is the high quality of people so that so many deserving recipients can be nominated.

I wonder where and how did you vote today since the voting time is already UP from 30th December?

Good question. replicahome joined Dec 28 so it’s possible the “voted” is belated. Although I’m amazed that anyone could become familliar enough with everyone’s posts in so short a time to be able to judge fairly. I know I sure couldn’t. Then again, a chance to WIN a $200 voucher is an incentive.

They could have been visiting the forums as a guest for months before joining.

:d’oh: True enough. And a chance to WIN a $200 voucher is incentive enough to join too!

Ahh… Yes. It is possible:blush: I just assumed he just voted and came to post a comment here. I didn’t think that he voted on 29th December for 2009 Awards and commented on 2010:p

Perhaps he did, but either way it probably won’t make much of a difference even if he only did it to be in the running for the voucher (it would be interesting to know how many people in total voted though). There were certainly a lot of different categories to vote in, it was almost as lengthy as the A List Apart survey :lol:

Welcome to sitepoint! Nice join date :slight_smile:

When will the results be posted?

Only Nanaman knows. :nanaman:

If you fail to to get hold of Nanaman, Dave states…