1st page on some devices not others

Hey all,

I’ve got some perculiar behaviour.

I get 1st page on Google on an iPad but not on a PC. I’m not sure about other devices.

Does anyone know why this might be? Does Google state anywhere that it shows different results for different devices?


personalized search; different data centers; etc

It’s unlikely to be device-specific - what’s more likely is that it’s history-specific, especially if you’re logged into a Google account on one and not the other. Google does use what it knows about you (eg past searches) to customise your results, so that sites you’ve clicked through to a lot are likely to appear higher up the list than they might for other people. That’s why you should always log out of your Google account before looking at where your site ranks for different terms.

Yes I have tested that previously but that is not the case. Perhaps I should tell my client to log in and then big myself up lol.

I’m sure I’ve tested this, further testing required!

Thanks for the response :slight_smile:

Could Google be inserting more geo location results on the Ipad compared to the PC? Just a guess.

They use IP and other info now too.

This is getting more common. You should read “The Filter Bubble” by Eli Pariser. Or check out his TED talk for a glimpse:

Eli Pariser: Beware online “filter bubbles” | Video on TED.com

The book dives in a lot deeper.

Either you were on logged in mode or if not then its due to results from different data centers.

The thing is, I wouldn’t expect different data centres from two devices in the same location. What I did think however, is that results may be displayed differently for different resolutions.

Shooting from the hip I’d say that there’s more space on a PC screen which would therefore be utilised differently. I’d also say that slower loading times on phones/ipads etc might effect how Google displays things.