#1054 MySQL error

I am trying to insert records in a table however stand up to
this bug :
#1054 - Unknown column ‘timestamp,dominio,titolo,descrizione,Keywords,parametri,analytic’ in ‘field list’.

The SQL query :

INSERT INTO domains (timestamp,dominio,titolo,descrizione,Keywords,parametri,analytics,URL,content_by_goo_new,nazione di appartenenza ,city,regione,continente) VALUES (‘11/22/2008 16:02:30,lowcostaustralia.com,\“low_cost_australia, hotel in australia, brisbane, sidney , hotels in australia, low cost\”,\“a complete selection of low cost hotel in australia, le offerte alberghiere ed i low cost australiani, hotel a prezzo low cost per l\'australia\”,\“last_minute, hotels_low_cost, budget_hotel, budget, auberges, last_minute_australia,low_cost_australia, hotel in australia, low cost alberghi, low, cost, australia, hospedaje\”,country=au,ua-6423697-32, http://www.booking.com/country/au.html?aid=316774,,australia’);


each field name needs a tick around it. MySql is looking for ONE field named timestamp,dominio,titolo,descrizione,Keywords,parametri,analytics,URL,conten t_by_goo_new,nazione di appartenenza ,city,regione,continente not 13.

rudy beat me :frowning:

Off Topic:

hat tip to post count

you have an opening backtick without a closing backtick

here —> (`timestamp,dominio,titolo,descrizione,Keywords,parametri…

consequently, it thinks that whole string is a single column name!