PDW file browser for tinymce - browse button missing

We installed the pdw file browser plugin with tinymce but the browse button is missing so we can’t click it to upload any files!

We are also seeing a phpThumb() error in the bottom left hand corner of the pop up window that says: phpThumb() V1.7.9-2008 OS1321 Unknown image type identified Source Image to GD() [3505]

Not sure if this is related. Our server is running php 5.2.17

We tried anabling the phpthumb 5.3 directory but it didn’t seem to make a difference.

Please help!


Have you checked tinymce errors on your favourite search engine? Do you have all the required JavaScript files included? How are you troubleshooting this issue?

thanks for your reply! We cleared the cache directory of the pdw file browser plugin and that solved the problem.

Great glad you solved this and thanks for posting your solution for others to read about :)! THIS THREAD IS NOW CLOSED