eCommerce - site-review

Please review and give me some suggestion how do I need to improve?

Improve what? What specifically? Code? Design aspects?

Thanks! This is one of my school project. Should be both Code and Design. In your opinion, how can I improve this website? Thanks again!

Some points

  1. WHen I view this webpage, I don’t immediately know why I’m here. I just see cute babies. Perhaps make that more known
  2. You are using slideshows - they are pretty unaccessible -
  3. That hamburger icon needs to increase in size. I can barely see it.
  4. You have IE CC’s to target IE9 and down. Remove all those. You should almost never need to individually target those browsers to supply different code. If you do, then you are band-aid fixing something.
  5. You should move all your JS files to before </body> . -
  6. Might want to validate your page. Juste scrolling through I see a lot of invalid stuff - for example, I see raw HTML inside of <script> tags.

Thanks for your feedback!

I would agree with Ryan that you need to make the purpose of the site much clearer when a visitor first arrives. The only place I can see “second hand toys” is in tiny lettering on the logo. It’s also not clear what the name of your business is. I would greatly reduce the size of the babies slideshow and move the text explaining the purpose of the business up above the “featured collections” images.

Specify currency in your prices. Less than 100 what? Euros? GB pounds? Canadian dollars? Remember, people might be visiting your site from anywhere in the world; make things clear to them when they arrive.

Having the price of items show when you hover over the picture is a nice effect, but anybody using a keyboard to navigate won’t be able to do that, nor (as far as I know) will anybody using a touchscreen device. You should consider having important information like price clearly visible at all times.

Having a dropdown in your prices is odd when there is only a single price, and I think you need to remove the text which says “default title”. You need to check your text generally, as there are a few typos in there. e.g.

as soon as we receive more costumers in the future.

I think you mean “customers”. And is this lamb also a lamp, or is this another typo?

The thing which would put me off buying from your store is the lack of clear information about your goods - not just details about each toy, but also about the store generally. e.g. Where do you source them? Do you clean them and safety-check them before offering them for sale?

I see you have included things like Terms of Service and delivery information, which is good. Well done. However, I couldn’t find any obvious way to contact the shop if I have a question. And as you’re not offering a delivery service, presumably customers will order on-line and collect the goods themselves - in which case, you really need to include an address, so they know where to go.

Overall, I think you’ve done pretty well; you just need to tidy things up a bit.

the site is well done but the colors are pale

Pale colours seem to me to be in keeping for a baby site. What colour scheme would you recommend, @dragees?

I think the colours are suitable here

I’m not sure if I like the navigation being that large on the side, and if it was going to look more ‘branded’ I would either make the logo bigger or put it at the top of the page. But I think that may be just my personal preference!

The images at the top do fill a lot of space, I can only just see the words featured products.

I like the collections on the front page, however the wording seems weird. I would put Under $50 not ‘Price 50 down’ and ‘Price is under 50’ as you don’t know what currency you are looking at.

Is there a way to sort by price instead of having price as the category name? Or put what ages the items are suitable for as your categories instead? If I was a parent, I would want to find the toys suitable for my child, and then look at the price. You could always still have price based ones in the collections.

I do like the ‘Something Soft’ and ‘Something Little’ categories though

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