Can you recommend any groups in Atlanta?

Are any of you guys in Atlanta? I’m wondering what group(s) you would recommend. I would love to meet other people and learn some things!

I’m not in Atlanta, or anywhere close, so I can’t help, but you might get a better response if you clarified your question a bit. What kind of groups? What sort of things are you wanting to learn? Web-related? Tech-related? French cooking? Hand knitting?

Choose hand knitting. @Technobear can teach you a thing or two about it. And don’t believe her. Unfortunately, she was never good at geography… Scotland is so very close to Atlanta! I mean… what are a few hours in a plane?

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You use “few” loosely here lol.

Bah! It took me 15 hours to fly from Madrid to Birmingham which is only 2 hours drive from Atlanta…

Hand-knitting could be fun. Although now I’m curious if there are other methods of knitting? Toe-knitting? Maybe they do things differently in Scotland! Gotta knit those kilts! No, web design people. HTML, CSS, design. That sort of thing! :smile:

Machine-knitting. (And some of those are more automated than others - although I’ve never tried any of them myself.)

And yes that is a good point - I didn’t specify. Yesterday was a long day!! hehe

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Might be easier to find a group, too - I see a couple of “Stitch ‘n’ Bitch” groups listed for Atlanta.

Try to search in

You may find groups there

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