Would you agree this is the definition of a PHP framework?

You have obviously forgotten that the title of this thread is “Would you agree that this is the definition of a PHP framework?” In post #4 you referred to a definition of a framework in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_framework and also http://ifacethoughts.net/2007/06/04/difference-between-a-library-and-a-framework/. In post #15 I agreed with the definitions in those articles but not with some of your other comments. In post #16 I described how Radicore met the four characteristics of that wikipedia definition but without discussing the code that I used to do it. If you read the subsequent posts you will clearly see that it is YOU and your partner-in-crime @TomB who wandered off the topic in this discussion and started to attack my coding style and my failure to adhere to your version of “best practices”.

If you want this discussion to stay on-topic then I suggest that YOU stop making posts which are off-topic. As long as you keep attacking me I reserve the right to defend myself.

You should also learn to stop contradicting yourself in your attacks as it clearly shows that you haven’t a clue what you are talking about and are simply throwing mud for the sake of it. For example, in http://www.sitepoint.com/community/t/dependency-injection-breaks-encapsulation/113596/167 you accuse my abstract Model class of being a “monster class” which does too much, but then in http://www.sitepoint.com/community/t/would-you-agree-this-is-the-definition-of-a-php-framework/191138/30 you accused it of being an “anemic domain model” which doesn’t do enough. Which is it? Too Much or Not Enough? It cannot possibly be guilty of both.

You also claim that my abstract Model class breaks SRP/SoC simply because it has 120 methods. Everybody knows that SRP/SoC has nothing to do with counting methods or lines of code, it is about the separation of responsibilities or concerns. Robert C. Martin had this to say on that subject in his article http://blog.8thlight.com/uncle-bob/2014/05/01/Design-Damage.html

He is saying quite clearly that in a “good design” the logic for GUI. business rules and database should be separated. This description matches the 3-Tier Architecture EXACTLY and which is EXACTLY what I have implemented. Not only that I have also incorporated the MVC design pattern for good measure. My implementation matches Robert C. Martin’s description to a tee, so when you say that my implementation is wrong you are also saying that Robert C. Martin is wrong.

What is YOUR definition of SRP/SoC and why is it so much better than Robert C. Martin’s?