WordPress Website Design and Development

How do get full access to design tools on WordPress? Should I use Gutenberg or switch to a 3rd party plugin like Elementor.

I think you should go for Elementor Plugin.

@sahiljaiswalofficial your response is not very helpful without explaining why you think the OP should use Elementor. Please explain your reasoning.

Using Elementor Pros:

  • Visual Drag-and-Drop Editor: Extremely user-friendly, with a true WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) experience.
  • Design Flexibility: Offers extensive design options, templates, and widgets. You can create complex layouts and design elements without needing to code.
  • Third-Party Integrations: Supports numerous integrations and add-ons to extend functionality even further.

If you’re looking to get full access to design tools on WordPress, you might want to consider using a third-party plugin like Elementor. While Gutenberg, the default WordPress block editor, offers a solid set of basic design tools and is improving continuously, Elementor provides a far more comprehensive and flexible design experience.

Here are some reasons why I prefer Elementor over Gutenberg:

  1. Drag-and-Drop Interface: Elementor’s intuitive drag-and-drop editor allows you to create complex layouts and designs without needing to write any code. This makes it accessible for beginners while still powerful enough for advanced users.

  2. Pre-designed Templates and Blocks: Elementor offers a vast library of pre-designed templates and blocks, which can significantly speed up your design process. You can easily customize these to fit your brand’s needs.

  3. Advanced Design Features: Elementor provides a range of advanced design features that are not available in Gutenberg. These include animations, custom CSS, and advanced typography settings. Additionally, you get access to more design options like shape dividers, gradient backgrounds, and responsive design tools.

  4. Theme Builder: With Elementor Pro, you can design your entire theme, including headers, footers, and archive pages, giving you complete control over every aspect of your site’s appearance.

  5. Third-Party Integrations: Elementor seamlessly integrates with many popular WordPress plugins, allowing you to add functionalities like forms, sliders, and WooCommerce products effortlessly.

To get full access to design tools on WordPress, using a third-party plugin like Elementor is recommended. Elementor offers a wide range of design options and is user-friendly, providing more flexibility and control compared to Gutenberg. However, Gutenberg can be sufficient for basic design needs and is built into WordPress. Choose based on your design requirements and comfort level.

While Elementor offers different effects, as a hosting provider, I have seen many times Elementor is the reason of breaking sites. The new versions can still include the old bugs which they tried to fix.

As a developer, I have converted multiple websites using Elementor to Gutenberg too. For new beginner, many times Elementor has too many options, which make customers confused. In addition, more code = more risk.

So if you don’t need any specific effect which only Elementor offers, I would suggest not to use it.

Both Gutenberg (built-in) and Elementor (plugin) provide design gear, but cater to one-of-a-kind possibilities:

Gutenberg: Great for novices, user-friendly for basic layouts and content blocks. Limited layout options compared to Elementor.

Elementor (plugin): More powerful drag-and-drop builder, full-size layout functions, steeper gaining knowledge of curve.

Choose Gutenberg for a simple start, or Elementor for full design manipulate.