WordPress 404.php page design

Hi guys! Help me please with designing 404.php for my wordpress site. I have a problem with php, I didn’t know it well.

Heres what I got.

My php code what i find 404.php

PHP Code:

<?php get_header(); ?> 
<div id="page"> 
    <h1>Page Not Found</h1> 
    <p>I'm very sorry, but the page you requested has not been found! It may have been moved or deleted.</p> 
    <p>I'm not blaming you, but have you checked your address bar? There might be a typo in the URL.</p> 
    <p>If there isn't, you could try searching my website for the content you were looking for:</p> 
    <?php get_search_form(); ?> 
    <p>Or maybe you were looking for one of my popular posts:</p> 
        <li><a href="http://www.kravchukdesign.com/popular-post1">Popular Post 1</a></li> 
        <li><a href="http://www.kravchukdesign.com/popular-post2">Popular Post 2</a></li> 
        <li><a href="http://www.kravchukdesign.com/popular-post3">Popular Post 3</a></li> 
        <li><a href="http://www.kravchukdesign.com/popular-post4">Popular Post 4</a></li> 
    <p>Alternatively, you can go to <a href="http://www.kravchukdesign.com">my home page</a> or <a href="http://www.kravchukdesign.com/archives">browse my archives</a></p> 
    <p>One last thing, if you're feeling so kind, please <a href="mailto:info@kravchukdesign.com">tell me</a> about this error, so that I can fix it. Thanks!</p> 
<?php get_sidebar(); get_footer(); ?>

Please help me with it, because it doesn’t work well. Here error page. As you see, it doest work well for my site, it’s hiden. http://www.kravchukdesign.com/dsegds/

Can you please correct my code for my site
Thank you.

That link doesn’t appear to show a 404 page. It doesn’t seem to be linked to a CSS file though, but that’s a separate issue.

You’re not using the same page structure for that page as you are for your others.

On your home page, the main content area is wrapped in <div class="content-area fullwidth">, which seems to have been styled correctly to sit beside the scrolling sidebar.

You either need to use the same structure for your 404 page, or style it to match the other pages. At the moment, it is taking up the full width of the viewport, and the sidebar is overlapping the left-hand edge of the page.

Sorry but I not exactly know how use the same style!

As far as I can see, the issue is with HTML/CSS, not with PHP, so I’m going to move this to the appropriate forum.

I don’t have time just now to look at it in depth, but I’ll come back to it later, if nobody beats me to it.

Here I find my single php page, can you please help modify it

<?php get_header();

if( have_posts() ): the_post();

?><div class="content-area-wrap">

	<div class="content-area <?php echo esc_attr( Youxi()->option->get( 'blog_single_layout' ) ); ?>">

		<div class="content-header">

			<div class="content-header-affix clearfix"><?php

				?><h1 class="content-title">
					<?php echo strtr( Youxi()->option->get( 'blog_single_title' ), array( '{title}' => get_the_title() ) ); ?>

				?><nav class="content-nav" role="navigation" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/SiteNavigationElement">
					<ul class="plain-list"><?php
							'<li class="content-nav-link">%link</li>', 
							'<span class="content-nav-link-wrap">' . 
								'<span class="fa fa-chevron-left"></span>' .
								'<span class="content-nav-link-label">' . esc_html__( 'Previous Post', 'helium' ) . '</span>' . 
							'<li class="content-nav-link">%link</li>', 
							'<span class="content-nav-link-wrap">' . 
								'<span class="content-nav-link-label">' . esc_html__( 'Next Post', 'helium' ) . '</span>' . 
								'<span class="fa fa-chevron-right"></span>' . 



		<div class="content-wrap">
			<?php Youxi()->templates->get( 'entry', get_post_format(), get_post_type() ); ?>


<?php endif;

get_footer(); ?>

Can please anyone insert my 404.php into single php. Here what I seeing on my single php if I rename my single.php into 404.php. Thanks.

Please post a working HTML/CSS file from the source code in your browser. I cannot interpret PHP code.

you mean this (Sorry, I’m new users and I can not upload attachments.) here dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/sh/k03vykw1byokp0i/AAA9Sxj3CN6fkA-CBWSEgwLfa?dl=0

Next helper-bee, please?

Sorry, that link demands a login or create an account at dropbox. Can’t you find a register-free-for-downloads file sharing service?

Maybe try this one: https://www.filetolink.com/ You’ll get a link to the uploaded file that you can post. (I’ve used it but have no knowledge of how safe it is.)


Did you choose to identify the recipient/downloader? Do not!


I couldn’t download the file. They still want to identify me with Facebook or Google+, that sucks!

I just tested http://wikisend.com/, that went without fuzz. Please, can you bother to try them too? Hopefully that is a better choice.

Here ya go:

S_Kravchuk.zip (601.3 KB)


Thanks for re-upload files. Still need help guys!

We may just be having a problem identifying the nature of the issue. So any additional info or test results that you can provide might help.

Whatever the delay, this is still Sunday, we are temporarily understaffed (vacations, moves, etc), and I am not knowledgable enough to help with this issue. There should be someone else along from o’er the pond in a few hours. Please be patient. You’re not forgotten. :slight_smile:


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