Why do browsers treat margin differently?

Anyone still running Windows XP which isn’t supported by IE9 through 11.

Similarly anyone still using Vista can only upgrade as far as 9 (I think).

Those using Windows 7 and 8 can upgrade to Windows 11 but don’t have to.

Windows 10 provides IE11 but the default browser is set to MSEdge.

thank you! Maybe I should just stick to <div… I’ll let it brew in my subconscious…

I’m trying to avoid upgrading to Windows 10! :slight_smile:

You will eventually be forced to upgrade to Windows 10 - Microsoft is intending to discontinue support for all other versions in the next few years. In ten years time everyone still using a Microsoft operating system will be running Windows 10 (although they may have dropped the 10 from the name by then as there will not be any other versions to distinguish it from).

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