Which Tools Do You Use (Have You Used) for Building Websites?

Did it go away :slight_smile: I’ve been using it constantly since about the year 2000!!

Although, to be honest I only use its code editor which I still think is among the best although it does suffer badly on large files. Also I tend to only work front end so a lot of DW is lost on me.

I quite like brackets these days but I do miss some of the features that DW has (such as easy code formatting and folding options and search and replace functions).

From time to time I have also used html pad which also works pretty well but I still usually end up back in DWs code window as it feels like a comfortable pair of shoes.

The downside of DW is that it is sooooo expensive and if I didn’t have the upgrade path I probably wouldn’t have bought it. I’m not into the subscription method either as its a bit like renting a car you never own.

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