Very slow page loads

If you have pages within a website that are slow to load, are there any tools online or offline that you can use to see where the problem is please?

Have you tried pingdom?

Yes, these are just two of them:

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I use the Web Developer Toolbar which includes a handy option to “view document size”. That shows you how many resources you’re loading for a page and the size of each, which makes it easy to spot potential problems like too many requests or an unoptimised image…


You could use the FireFox extension called “Firebug”, it has a tab on it called “Net” which displays things like time taken for each picture, script, css, etc to load, what server status was returned for each thing and the size

Thanks for all the help on this. I have now installed firebug, but where/how do I see it in firefox please?

There should be a wee Firebug icon in the navigation bar at the top of your screen. Clicking on thaat opens Firebug.

Nothing like that in mine??

Hmm … maybe you need to customise the bar to add it. (I’ve had it for so long, I can’t remember.)

You should also be able to access the “inspect element” by right-clicking on a part of the page, and choosing “inspect element with Firebug”. That will open the main Firebug window and you can access other tabs from there.

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