Using flex and video

If that’s all thats stopping it working then you can do away with it.

I was using to group those 2 buttons so that if you wished you could just hide that one container rather than looking for both buttons and hiding them.

It’s not really an issue as long as you don’t start sticking loads of other stuff down there:)

Yes but that broke the CSS. What does that tell you?

Outer is a flex box and instead of only having one child you have two children who are both flex items and will fight for the space. The containerc makes it so that there is only one child in that structure at any time and that gives the full height and avoids the overflow issues.

If you remember I kept telling you were putting background on the wrong elements and this just goes to prove that I was right.

Containerc needs to be put back into the html and the JS modified to account for it. JS should not determine the html; it’s the other way around.:slight_smile:

This means that the parent of any container (a, b, or c) is .outer. It’s consistent and manageable.


I’m trying to fix that issue now.

Actually (ignore my rant) I just removed containerc and I’m not seeing the same as that js fiddle.

I centred the buttons though.

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Looks you have something corrupt in the html,body rule as the 100% height isn’t working. I just retyped it and it works.

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Does this help?

It’s really a question for the JS forum now but the code seems to be working.

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