Using a Persistent Database Object Connection from Other Objects in PHP

In post #27 I explained how it prevents injection by defining a clean query that cannot be altered or appended prior to execution.

I think “need to” should be “are advised to”. In my earlier post I used the phrase “belt & braces” when advising to do both, because you could just have one or the other and there is a good chance you won’t be caught with your pants down.
But with both, in the event that one or the other fails you, you have back up, a fail-safe or layers of security.
Also note that when you use prepared statements the data is escaped without you having to use an escape function, so very secure and you also have the opportunity to type cast data when binding parameters. So that may make the validation/sanitisation seem a bit redundant, but then, why wouldn’t you anyway?


Yes, I am discovering this myself. I’m a bit surprised that the PDO or MySQLi classes don’t provide a way of getting the query that was actually run, like a PDO::get_last_query() or something like that. It would be incredibly helpful for debugging.

Do you mean that the benefits of prepared statements are extremely minimal in today’s databases? Or the cacheing?

I’ve seen many people say to keep this option turned off in PDO because it’s buggy or for other reasons. Have you experienced any problems using emulated prepared statements?

Thanks for your helpful input!

I mean the performance benefits are minimal and they can be observed only in very rare edge cases.

Ironically, I don’t know… because most of the time I don’t even know if they are turned on and I leave the defaults as they are. As far as I know, they are on for MySQL but I don’t know about Postgres. I’ll have to check it.

@OhMonty - You should strongly consider installing the Doctrine DBAL.

It is a thin wrapper over PDO and among it’s many helper functions, it can log sql queries for you. I would argue that the Doctrine DBAL is the main reason to use PDO.

PDO has debugdumpparams() which will show the last prepared statement, but it doesn’t show the values that were bound but you could just echo the bound values for debugging on a local server

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Thanks! The debugDumpParams() function doesn’t show how the query may look after being merged with parameters. But I did find this useful function on Stack Overflow that does the combining to give you an idea of what the finished prepared query will look like, which is very helpful for debugging.

 * Replaces any parameter placeholders in a query with the value of that
 * parameter. Useful for debugging. Assumes anonymous parameters from 
 * $params are are in the same order as specified in $query
 * @param string $query The sql query with parameter placeholders
 * @param array $params The array of substitution parameters
 * @return string The interpolated query
public function interpolateQuery($query, $params) {
    $keys = array();
    $values = $params;

    # build a regular expression for each parameter
    foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
        if (is_string($key)) {
            $keys[] = '/:'.$key.'/';
        } else {
            $keys[] = '/[?]/';

        if (is_array($value))
            $values[$key] = implode(',', $value);

        if (is_null($value))
            $values[$key] = 'NULL';
    // Walk the array to see if we can add single-quotes to strings
    array_walk($values, create_function('&$v, $k', 'if (!is_numeric($v) && $v!="NULL") $v = "\'".$v."\'";'));

    $query = preg_replace($keys, $values, $query, 1, $count);

    return $query;

I added this to my Database class and use it for logging the query combined with the parameters. Makes it a lot easier to debug and test out the query in the database.

I’ve just tested it and PDO for Postgres has real prepared statements turned on by default so that’s what I’ve been using most of the time recently. The default for MySQL is quite the opposite and I haven’t come across any problems there either, so I don’t know what is buggy about PDO emulated prepares…

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