Trying to get Shuffle Playlist to work

Impressive, i was also looking for the same. Thanks for sharing about it.

I have a question towards the bottom.

I had come upon this:

Custom Playlist

To load your own (database driven or hand edited) playlist in a player you need an embed code similar to this:

Note that you need to specify a video id – which acts as the first video – and the playlist parameter, which needs to be a comma-separated list of video ids.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src=",mnfmQe8Mv1g,ZPz3wzPlruA,-Xgi_way56U,CHahce95B1g,PEJpJ1UKQpg,u8hvzxYSPjQ,qYEooPeyz5M,Nbp8XZnzfT8,pIuWymsUuk0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

So, it turns out this would be an acceptable way of doing it also.

This parameter specifies a comma-separated list of video IDs to play. If you specify a value, the first video that plays will be the VIDEO_ID specified in the URL path, and the videos specified in the playlist parameter will play thereafter.

I tried it here and it works:

How would I be able to make this line less than 80 characters?

Would I be able to put this into an array somehow?

playlist: "mnfmQe8Mv1g,ZPz3wzPlruA,-Xgi_way56U,CHahce95B1g,PEJpJ1UKQpg,u8hvzxYSPjQ,qYEooPeyz5M,Nbp8XZnzfT8,pIuWymsUuk0"

Yes, that’s because your newRandomNumber function is out of scope. Move it somewhere else so that it’s in scope, and things will be well.

By splitting up the string. For example:

var together = "This, that, and the other.";
var separated = "This, " +
    "that, " +
    "and the other.";
1 Like

Where would this go:

var separated = "mnfmQe8Mv1g," "ZPz3wzPlruA,"
"-Xgi_way56U, "CHahce95B1g," "PEJpJ1UKQpg," "u8hvzxYSPjQ,"
"qYEooPeyz5M, "Nbp8XZnzfT8," "pIuWymsUuk0,";

In here?

Where am I placing it?

That wouldn’t go anywhere, as it’s broken and syntactically invalid.

When you edit a post to add significantly more information, that information is most likely going to be unseen, because notifications do not get sent out about edited posts.

1 Like

You told me this though.

var together = "This, that, and the other.";
var separated = "This, " +
    "that, " +
    "and the other.";

How would I make this valid?

var separated = "mnfmQe8Mv1g," "ZPz3wzPlruA,"
"-Xgi_way56U, "CHahce95B1g," "PEJpJ1UKQpg," "u8hvzxYSPjQ,"
"qYEooPeyz5M, "Nbp8XZnzfT8," "pIuWymsUuk0,";

Yes - which is quite different from what you posted.

How would I fix this, what did I do wrong here?

var separated = "mnfmQe8Mv1g," "ZPz3wzPlruA,"
"-Xgi_way56U," "CHahce95B1g," "PEJpJ1UKQpg," "u8hvzxYSPjQ,"
"qYEooPeyz5M," "Nbp8XZnzfT8," "pIuWymsUuk0,";

Look at the syntax highlighting, where red is for used to denote strings. Can you see what’s wrong there?

Fixed here:

var separated = "mnfmQe8Mv1g," "ZPz3wzPlruA,"
"-Xgi_way56U," "CHahce95B1g," "PEJpJ1UKQpg," "u8hvzxYSPjQ,"
"qYEooPeyz5M," "Nbp8XZnzfT8," "pIuWymsUuk0,";

Those are still not syntactically valid.

Like this?

var separated = ["mnfmQe8Mv1g," "ZPz3wzPlruA,""-Xgi_way56U,"
 "CHahce95B1g," "PEJpJ1UKQpg," "u8hvzxYSPjQ,"
"qYEooPeyz5M," "Nbp8XZnzfT8," "pIuWymsUuk0,"];

Throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks, is not usually a useful technique.
I shall return in a while.

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I got it working here:

Did I do this right?

Would const playlist go right underneath function addvideo?

    function addVideo(video) {
        const playlist = ["Nbp8XZnzfT8", "mnfmQe8Mv1g", 
        "ZPz3wzPlruA","-Xgi_way56U", "CHahce95B1g", "u8hvzxYSPjQ", 
        "PEJpJ1UKQpg", "pIuWymsUuk0", "qYEooPeyz5M"];
        new YT.Player(video, {
            width: 606,
            height: 344,
            playerVars: {
                autoplay: 1,
                controls: 1,
                rel: 0,
                iv_load_policy: 3,
                cc_load_policy: 0,
                fs: 0,
                disablekb: 1,
                playlist: playlist.join(",")
            events: {
                "onReady": onPlayerReady,
                "onStateChange": onPlayerStateChange

You could create an array the join it:

var str = [

but, when you have no need for the array, it’s much better to just concatenate the strings instead

var str = "qwertyuiop," +
    "asdfghjkl," +

How would I get it working?

    const playlist = "Nbp8XZnzfT8," +
      "mnfmQe8Mv1g," +
      "-Xgi_way56U," +
      "CHahce95B1g," +
      "u8hvzxYSPjQ," +
      "qwertyuiop," +
      "PEJpJ1UKQpg," +
      "pIuWymsUuk0," +
        new YT.Player(video, {
            width: 606,
            height: 344,
            playerVars: {
                autoplay: 1,
                controls: 1,
                rel: 0,
                iv_load_policy: 3,
                cc_load_policy: 0,
                fs: 0,
                disablekb: 1,
                playlist: playlist.join(",")
            events: {
                "onReady": onPlayerReady,
                "onStateChange": onPlayerStateChange

Or like this:

    const playlist = ["Nbp8XZnzfT8," +
      "mnfmQe8Mv1g," +
      "-Xgi_way56U," +
      "CHahce95B1g," +
      "u8hvzxYSPjQ," +
      "qwertyuiop," +
      "PEJpJ1UKQpg," +
      "pIuWymsUuk0," +

Do you know how to concatenate strings? It’s a fundamental part of JavaScript that has already been demonstrated in this thread for you, many times over.

What you’re asking me to do seems confusing.

I don’t understand how this:

    const playlist = "Nbp8XZnzfT8," +
      "mnfmQe8Mv1g," +
      "-Xgi_way56U," +
      "CHahce95B1g," +
      "u8hvzxYSPjQ," +
      "qwertyuiop," +
      "PEJpJ1UKQpg," +
      "pIuWymsUuk0," +

Connects with this:

 playlist: playlist.join(",")

Here’s a good piece all about it then. You would do well to study this article carefully.

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