Social bookmarking or Social networks?

i use both of them…they can benefit me well and improve my site BL and traffic

Both are useful techniques to increase your traffic. Social Bookmarking allows visitors to share quality links through public websites. This means that when a visitor likes your site, he / she can easily recommend it in his / her favorite social bookmarking portal. Social networking such as myspace, facebook, twitter and linkedin lets you add friends and join different groups to promote your business.

i just offer promote my website by both of Social bookmarking or Social network.they are not the one better or not better.just do it both,if you have enough time.

i dont see any lists. Anyway. from profile links, bookmarking sites and social networking sites.

I prefer Social Network for Gain Traffic, Just add Friends according to your Niche and Enjoy Vast Traffic While Social Bookmarking Helps you in gaining Back links …

I use them all and have no idea which one works best. Since I do them with automation, it isn’t a time killer if one doesn’t work.

Definitely agree with this one. Using both social bookmarks and social networks can help a lot. And there is no need to choose between these two for we can always use them both.:cool:

I use both, it’s hard to say which one has brought more traffic

The site I’m working on right benefits greatly from social networking, and we make it a point to make sure all new content has a facebook “like” button. It brings higher quality traffic than search engines, as people have friends with similar interest so it’s easier to target a demographic this way.

SEO experts say both. I use none, planning to used them in the future, but for the moment, I just hate them…

I hate them too. I made a facebook account only because I needed to have one available to test the facebook links when we added them to the site I’m working on. My theory is that facebook is just a free website for those who don’t know how to make their own, but I digress :slight_smile:

They are a headache, I agree with that. AND the fact that there are more and more and more and…So many to register with that it’s hard to keep up with the content of each.

Both are useful. All you have to do is to get updated to it.