SitePoint T-shirts - What Went Wrong?

So you don’t want to buy a shirt that promoted a website but you have no problem whatsoever to promote the xbox360? :eek:

Ok, it is your avatar and it is free :wink: but my point is that people that buy something with a certain brand is because they really like it and somehow feel proud of it… even to the point of paying hundreds for it to promote it… call it Loewe, Gucci or whatever… and if it is car and it is a Ferrari, even more so :lol:

It is no lame if you really like the brand and what they represent.

I think wearing (not even buying!) a t-shirt of a company that you dislike is really lame. :slight_smile:

I share the sentiment. In fact, I put my name in a fish bowl at web directions last year to win a macbook, the only condition was to be wearing a free t-shirt when the names were drawn.

My name was called, I didn’t wear the shirt - so no prize.

While I know Sitepoint has always been a business and that’s great. I run a small business as well. Though the atmosphere around here over the last few years has gone from “the fun place to be to discuss web design” to “watch Sitepoint make as much money as they can” with the help of the volunteer forum members.

I agree these shirts should be free (not that I want one) as it’s just another way to promote the site/business (things you have for sale) but you chose to make even more money off of the t-shirts themselves (advertising you made to market your site). Plus as mentioned above $31 for a t-shirt is a little high.

The bands I like charge less than this and they’re not a huge corporation like Sitepoint their just trying to get by. I don’t buy their advertisements even though I like the music. I’ll just stick with the CD, as I’m not going to walk around (as a human billboard) promoting other peoples businesses for free and I’m definitely not going to pay for this privilege.

I will watch all the free commercials they want to show me on TV, but the day they make me pay to watch the ads is the day I stop watching TV. (this is an analogy as I do not watch alot of TV)

Suprisingly we are all on the same page. I reccomend bundling a T-Shirt with a book purchase. It really is the only way to empty inventory. Hell, I can go to wallmart and get 4 shirts for $30. God Bless Wallmart in this recession. :slight_smile:

  1. can’t find them. Try advertising

  2. Price. Thirty-one bucks is a “Are you out of your Vulcan mind!?!” price for a T-shirt unless you’re a total Emu who’s daddy will buy out Hot Topic for you. (To explain – Emu’s, aka emulat’s are “fashion Emo” who’s biggest emotional problem is daddy bought pooky the Mercedes C class instead of the S class. Emu is to a Emo as a Godges is to a Vampire… basically blowing sparkles out your…)

When I can get a full color print animal planet t-shirt at wally-world for four bucks (larger selection in store, rings up at $3.00 if you buy four or more in store), is it any wonder your Apple scale pricing isn’t selling?!? I can get button down dress shirts at SEARS for half that!

I still can’t find them… Where are they?

Look at Hawk’s signature :slight_smile:

I wear the kind of shirts Mark posted. Mexican banditos riding velociraptors. Ninjas can’t catch you if you’re on fire. Tux penguins. Perl camels. You know, awesome stuff.

You know what I mean :slight_smile:

I’m with Laneth on this one. These T-Shirts are too expensive… and the designs look dated.

If I had some spare change to spend on novelty t-shirts, I would probably spend it on the Become a Better Developer T-Shirt, but that’s because it has color to it.

The “In-Code we Trust” T-shirt is too bland for me, and the Sitepoint logo is so small in the upper right corner. It should be front and center. And why wasn’t T-Shirt Entry #188 offered up for sale?

Looking at the other entries (which are awesome actually…), I can see another reason(s) why these T-Shirts are not selling.

Yeah, I can’t find them either. So basically it looks like HAWK is a one woman advertising campaign for the forum and the website isn’t marketing them at all. I think that’s your big problem. Personally, until I get some kind of consistent gig I’m stressing just to keep body and soul together for me and my family. T-shirts I need desperately, but until I’ve got more money, the holey ones I’ve got will have to do.

Personally, it’s a budget thing.

While I love the two old SP shirts I have, I just don’t have the money (typically) for products such as this.

I’m much more likely to buy the SitePoint books / courses before I get the shirt, when I have money that is.

Still, it is on my list of “must have” items and will buy it when I do indeed have money.

Can’t say for sure why other folks don’t buy them :frowning:

One would have thought that, with all the opinions that flew around about the designs, there was going to be at least some people buying.

Well I can’t even find a shirt on the site, which should be under products. Also, I don’t really care about t-shirts, so that’s why I won’t buy one.

I would never buy a shirt that promoted a website. Kind of lame.

They sell shirts at Sears?

ha ha , why should i buy this, give me one reason

Well, There is nothing wrong with you. Some times it depends on luck. I will buy it when i need them.

i wont buy a t-shirt with a site labeled

Money was the main issue for me :slight_smile:

I like the Become a better Web Developer shirt, but $24.98 is quite a bit of a t-shirt. I’d be willing to pay $15.