Select and print with PHP & MySQL

The home setup has this information:

Mysql module is installedArray ( [0] => date [1] => libxml [2] => openssl [3] => pcre [4] => zlib [5] => bcmath [6] => bz2 [7] => calendar [8] => ctype [9] => curl [10] => dba [11] => dbase [12] => dom [13] => hash [14] => filter [15] => ftp [16] => gd [17] => gettext [18] => session [19] => iconv [20] => idn [21] => standard [22] => json [23] => mbstring [24] => mcrypt [25] => mhash [26] => mysql [27] => SimpleXML [28] => SPL [29] => PDO [30] => pdo_sqlite [31] => posix [32] => Reflection [33] => imap [34] => shmop [35] => pdo_mysql [36] => soap [37] => mysqli [38] => SQLite [39] => exif [40] => tidy [41] => tokenizer [42] => wddx [43] => xml [44] => xmlreader [45] => xmlwriter [46] => xsl [47] => zip [48] => cgi )

Looks like it has the same stuff installed. Now I need to get XAMPP to work properly here at home.


I now have XAMPP running. I am using VirtualHost and have setup the site for my daughter. I have setup a MySQL database, and I am read to finish setting up the input form to add data in the first table I have setup.

Taking this slow (I think) you have already helped me with the input form and dumping it back to the display. I think my plan would be to:

  1. finish the input web page and start adding data to the database.
  2. once I am adding the data, build a web page that displays some of that data.
  3. With the data being displayed, verify that the current table has the proper fields.
  4. Start working on other tables and setting their relationships.

Does this seem like a logical order of progression?

My network access is spotty this week since we are on vacation and the wireless is not available in the units.