Responsive design has totally ruined desktop web experience (rant)

Yes, I discovered that this morning when I went to upload the new style sheets etc that have been modified to make it Responsive. I have no idea why that error, because the “missing file” was a file that isn’t even called for in the indes.php file (or it shouldn’t be) I deleted the line. It was looking for a “configuration file” (???) Why, I have no idea. Don’t know when that appeared. Must have been recent, because I did not see that error the last time I visited the site, and it hasn’t been too many days ago. I may have to contact my Tech Support and ask about it, but it’s fixed now. Now, the main thing I must do is make my menu larger. Here’s where this “Resposnive Design” becomes problematic: In order to keep the site looking good on a screen, I really need to make a separate style sheet for the Responsive requirements. More work, more cost to client, which means “unaffordable” for many self employed people who tend to be my clients.

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