[RESOLVED] My Code is Finally Complete!

Did you view the examples that @ronpat and I took the time to create in the following web-page?


Both examples are far easier to modify than your supplied script.


You just jumped out of the 266px width issue and jumped into a new issue with the audio controls bar.

I thought the only problem with the [RESOLVED] topic was the width. Why have you changed topics again?

The easiest solution to the now abandoned problem with the width would be to change the width where it is supposed to fit on your page to 270px and be done with it.

I am going to do something else that does not involve this topic tonight. I need a mental health break.

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the 266 issue had to do with float, I’m now using display block.

And this issue is universal, the one below.

NO it didn’t. It has to do with ignorance. Be smart… focus on margins as @TechnoBear and I have said.


float doesn’t fit:

<a href="" style="float:left;margin:0 2px; width: 50px; height: 50px; background-color:#00a0b0; color:#000000; border-top-left-radius:50px;"></a>

<a href="" style="float:left;margin:0 2px; width: 50px; height: 50px; background-color:#6a4a3c; color:#000000;"></a>

<a href="" style="float:left;margin:0 2px;   width: 50px; height: 50px; background-color:#cc333f;color:#000000;"></a>

<a href="" style="float:left;margin:0 2px; width: 50px; height: 50px; background-color:#eb6841;color:#000000;"></a>

<a href="" style="float:left;margin:0 2px ; width: 50px; height: 50px;background-color:#edc951;color:#000000; border-top-right-radius:50px"></a>

What have you tried that didn’t work?


Request to include the following video on your web-page:

Cover of Jimi Hendrix Castles made of sand.wmv


margin:0 2px; You can’t really go less than that.

So you haven’t really tried anything at all? You just said that you did?


What is the problem with changing the width of the space on your page for the squares thing from 266px to 270px? Your orginal width was allocated based on false beliefs, incomplete information about how HTML elements behave. What is wrong with changing it 4px based on a more realistic understanding of HTML?

I don’t have a webpage, and if I do, I request that you take it down immediately! I never authorized you to make a webpage for me.


Sorry, we were just trying to help :frowning:

Your reference has been removed.

I don’t even know what you’re talking about, who goes around making webpages for complete strangers, that’s messed up.

I don’t even know what your talking about, who goes around making webpages for complete strangers, that’s messed up…

Thank you for removing me, or whatever you did. You shouldn’t do those kind of things without asking permission first.

The width of the right side-bar is actually 330px.

Between the borders on right side bar equals 296px.

15px white-space [ 266px content ]15px white-space

equals = 296px right in the middle.

Do you know the answer to this? How do I prevent the [div] when clicked on from pushing the content below down? - #3

@coothead gave you the answer.

And, it’s still dropping down, the bottom part when clicked on. See: http://testblogty678.blogspot.com/