Recursive function to print a triangle

Hi everyone: I have a second recursive function written in Python and I’d like help with handtracing what it does. Here it is:

#  This program demonstrates how to print a triangle using recursion.

def main() :
## Prints a triangle with a given side length.
#  @param sideLength an integer indicating the length of the bottom row
def printTriangle(sideLength) :
   if sideLength < 1 : return
   printTriangle(sideLength - 1)
   # Print the row at the bottom.
   print("[]" * sideLength)
# Start the program.

# Programme run 


I’d attempt this:

printTriangle 4 - 1 = 3
printTriangle 3 - 1 = 2

And they’re emptying something, but where it is going, when does it stop and why prints 1 first, 2 second, etc? Thanks in advance.

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