Ranking Website

I’m not sure where you’ve read that. Google ranks sites with high-quality content, but it doesn’t necessarily expect that content to change frequently. it depends very much on your niche and the nature of your site whether there’s a need for frequent updates. Updating just because you think Google likes it is a mistake and a waste of time.

[quote=“firewatchguards, post:1, topic:223123”]
Google rank our website when we … share our article or other link every day
[/quote]That is just plain wrong. Google pays very little attention to links which you place yourself. The links it sees as valuable are those which other sites create to yours because they want to link to your great content. Creating links yourself may help with increasing traffic, but is unlikely to have any SEO benefits. You need also be careful that you don’t violate Google’s ToS on link schemes. https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/66356?hl=en

Well, isn’t that exactly the behaviour you’d expect? Google is indexing and ranking the pages which have the content to match the search terms, and those pages are on your blog, not on your main site. Why would Google return your product pages when there is more and/or better information on your blog?

Add the blog content to the main site instead? If you want particular pages to rank, then those pages need to have the best content.