Prevent Content Copying?

The only 100% way to guarantee that your content will not be copied is not to publish it on the Internet in the first place. There are various methods that will make it slightly harder for someone to copy your web content and/or images, but anyone intent on copying your work will be able to copy it one way or another.

The best you can do is monitor for copies of your work and then take the appropriate action. This thread already has some excellent ideas on how to do that.

Yeah but a newbie don’t know how to catch those spammer or copier, basically when someone copies some content from other site the original site owner have no time to discover who are copying his/her website content. So this problem still there but you can report search engine team to take action on this or these copied and spammed website. This will be the only way to get rid from this problem other wise there is no way to get rid from it.

There are lots of things you can do to prevent your content from content thieves:

  1. Place a copyright image from copyscape
  2. File a DMCA complain to Google who copies your content
  3. Send a cease and desist notice
  4. Inform to the website hosting provider about this

Great suggestion
The problem is it is too much time consuming and frustating :frowning:

There are many things in life that we must do to keep our property safe and yes, they are time-consuming and frustrating, but we do them. It may not be fair, it may not be “Right”, but we do them because they are necessary.

How to do " Place a copyright image from copyscape"? Do I need to register on copyscape?? is it paid???

Yes you need to be a registered member, copyscape charge membership fee and give you different facilities like, you can easily catches spammer and sopied content, place a copyright image into your content and many different other facilities…

If you use Wordpress, install the Digiprove widget

It has a copyright feature which records you as the content owner and places a copyright notice after each article.

The widget can also disable the right-click copy function so people can’t highlight and copy your content. Granted if they really wanted to, they can by typing the whole thing out, but disabling the right-click function makes it more harder and annoying for content thieves.

Not to mention more tempting by presenting an extremely weak and easily circumvented “challenge”

There is always something you can do when you keep getting your content stolen: profit from it. It is your content, so be sure to label it as such. An experienced coder will have no problem adding an “extra” label of links back to your sites in your RSSs and main sites. In the worst case the user will see the links as plain text (no hyperlink) but still they will recognize what you’ve wrote (i.e. This content has been reproduced WITHOUT permission from the original owners at MY-SITE . com).

U have used this Digiprove widget but not useful as I was thinking, anyone can copy content easily after this as it just blocked right click on it but not keyboard keys…

well i gues you wont find many answers about this… the internet is so large to find IF someone copied your coments or something other from your blog…

The second to last post in this thread was made in May. Thread closed.