Posting too Much to Social Media?

So which do you believe?
Why would Google use social media as a ranking metric when it is so easy to manipulate. Google makes great efforts to ignore things that a site owner can easily manipulate to falsely boost ranking.

Because twitter, facebook and G+ are high ranking sites.

If a lot of people like your content, you probably have good content. Good content ranks well.
It does not rank because of “Likes”, it ranks for the reason that people like it: because it is good content.
True SM can help spread the word about your site, and the more people see it and like, the more likely it is they may link to it on their own site, thus creating a natural back-link. But this is an indirect result of SM posting, not the result if the SM post itself.

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Not least those of the staff here at Sitepoint.


It’s not about the quantity, it’s about the quality. You should be concerned about posting interesting content and posts on social media.


A post was split to a new topic: Facebook is loading in correct Title when sharing blog post

Definitely. I start to get annoyed if I see constant status updates on my news feed. I’d rather be pleased to see something new, rather than gloss over it because there are so many

You have to maintain a certain naturalness in all, there is that we are looking only dofollow and there insert links. On the other hand, however, you need to look for valuable pages.