Playing YouTube videos from an array

Is this better?

I just fixed Code 2

Added: defaults.playerVars = playerVars;

Now the playerVars are working.

  function createPlayerOptions(settings) {
    const defaultOptions = defaults.playerVars;
    const defaultPlayerVars = defaultOptions.playerVars;
    const playerVars = Object.assign({}, defaultPlayerVars, settings);
    defaults.playerVars = playerVars;
    return defaults;

Which is now inline with Code 1

  function createPlayerOptions(settings) {
    const defaultOptions = defaults.playerOptions;
    const playerOptions = defaultOptions.playerVars;
    const playerVars = Object.assign({}, playerOptions, settings);
    playerOptions.playerVars = playerVars;
    return playerOptions;

.playa & .playc

start: 45;

Which allows me to test the settings after I make changes in the code.

If those don’t work, it means I messed up somewhere.

It’s hard for me to figure these out because, I only go by, if I place one thing somewhere and everything works, I think there is nothing wrong.

The only way I can tell if something is wrong, is if the code stops working.