Pesky Suckerfish Nav

Threads merged

Is the issue still that you want the “About the Fund” text to turn white while hovering over that menu and/or the dropdown but that you don;t want the other two menus at either side to turn white?

If so just target it like this:

li.aboutNav_off:hover > a,
li.aboutNav_on:hover > a {color:#fff}

Thanks everyone. I think I have it working now. And yet I still don’t really understand what was going on. I got the white colors to work by using !important. That seemed to do it which tells me it was getting overridden from someplace. I’d like to understand where so I can avoid it going forward.

.homeNav_on a { color:#FFFFFF !important; }
.aboutNav_on a { color:#FFFFFF !important; }
.faqNav_on a { color:#FFFFFF !important; }
.homeNav_off:hover a { color:#FFFFFF !important; }
.aboutNav_off:hover a { color:#FFFFFF !important; }
.faqNav_off:hover a { color:#FFFFFF !important; }

Special thanks to Paul and Dave!


You don’t need important just qualify the rules with the tag name to give them more specificity.

The problem is that you have over-ridden the rules with a:link and a:visited later in the code (you really should keep the reset and default styles at the top of the stylesheet to avoid conflicts like this).

[B].homeNav_on a { color:#FFFFFF }
.aboutNav_on a { color:#FFFFFF }
.faqNav_on a { color:#FFFFFF }
.homeNav_off:hover a { color:#FFFFFF }
.aboutNav_off:hover a { color:#FFFFFF}
.faqNav_off:hover a { color:#FFFFFF }[/B]

/* compulsories */
body { font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; background:#353636 url(../img/site_bg.jpg) top center no-repeat; color:#353535; }
.after { display:block; clear:both; height:0px; visibility:hidden; }
[B]a:link { color:#293952; text-decoration:none; }
a:visited { color:#293952; text-decoration:none; }[/B]

.homeNav_on{} ( without !important) and a:link{} have the same specificity so the one that is later in the stylesheet wins out. If you moved a:link and a:visited to the top of the stylesheet then there would be no need for !important. The sitepoint reference has a good explanation on Specificity (because I wrote it :)). If you still have trouble then use a [URL=“”]specificity calculator and then you can see which has the higher specificity and will win out.


Thanks Paul. I knew about that. What I did, which was stupid, was to move those rules up to the top while I sorted out the CSS. (Dreamweaver always returns you to the top of the CSS page when you click the tab … which gets to be a major pain if you are always working towards the bottom of the sheet. Anyway, then, after I was done I was gonna move them back to their place … never remembering about the precedence determined by actual location on the style sheet.

Thanks again to all who helped!