Object Persistence in PHP?

I store a unique token in the session, but it’s the only thing I store, however…

> you have to destroy that session variable. If the user reloads the form with invalid
> values, the security token may be regenerated and would then be deemed invalid.

You do not need to destroy that given variable, generated for that given request, because you can reuse it… What I do is to preserve the unique token from past request, as well as the current request in an array;

You only ever need to keep two versions of the token at any one time, so in your form validation script, if the unique token passed in the form doesn’t match one, it’ll definitely match it’s opposite :slight_smile:

Here is some script, which is executed once the Request is instantiated,

final class QRequest_Filter_Unique implements QFilter_Interface {
		private $queue_name;
		public function __construct( $queue_name ) {
			$this -> queue_name = $queue_name;
		public function process() {
			$args = func_get_args();
			$dataspace = array_shift( $args );
			$queue = array();
			$unique = QCommon::unique();
			if( $queue = $dataspace -> get( '__session' ) -> get( $this -> queue_name ) ) {
				if( is_array( $queue ) && count( $queue ) >= 2 ) {
					array_shift( $queue );
			$queue[] = $unique;
			$dataspace -> set( $this -> queue_name, $unique );
			$dataspace -> get( '__session' ) -> set( $this -> queue_name, $queue );

Problem solved.

Actually I can not see how helpful can this class be. It is much easier to store the data right in the session and work with it directly, than create a wrapper class with getters and setters.

Of course, there are lies, damn lies, and statistics…

Java - 30+ entries

(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PHP_%28disambiguation%29) - 6 entries (of which only 'php' would commonly be php)
[.NET  - 2 entries ([url=http://www.google.com/trends?q=.com%2C+.net&ctab=0&geo=all&date=all]I wonder how often people search google with a '.net' they didn't really mean??](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.NET))
[Ruby](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruby_%28disambiguation%29) -  30+ entries


Hey… it appears that there is a solution for real object persistence in PHP … check this PHP application server :slight_smile: