if you want explore your skill, manual camera is the best choice.
you can learn and understand exposure and anything with manual camera
Hope not too late for me to comment
ny suggestions for a startup camera to try at my skills ?
Actually it’s depend on how much your budget ?
If you earn lots of money I will suggest you DSLR such as full frame or normal one
But if you just has some amount of that you may can try any digital camera .
Event try by your mobile phone
Yes its true ,
because If you has dome gut in this art your images will better than some one who own full frame digital camera
take photo is an art.
if you sure that you are photography lover and you has wide range of interest like me
from small thing like insect , landscape up to birds ha ha ha
you may consider in two options
1 buy used DSLR like my canon 550D
2 consider mirror less camera
hope this help you
Use a simple digital SLR camera.
Why? What are the benefits of a simple digital SLR camera over other types?
I have recently just taken up photography and bought a Fuji HS30 albeit its not a high end camera but at the moment while i am still learning it will do for all my current needs.
Exactly what niche that i am not sure as yet but have been working on wildlife action shots as i live very near a main bird sanctuary so that seemed the logic 1st move,the Fuji camera that i use can be as complicated or as easy as i want it too be,but as i have time on my hands due to retiring i get out as much as i can.
i think you should go for companies like canon and nikon who have a brand image in market… These companies for camera are really very good
Fuji HS30 is a good camera specially for long distance shooting like bird.
May be some day if you in love much in bird shooting you may need to shift to DSLR , but that will cost you more ha ha ha
DSLR : Good for high quality of picture due to large image receiver, can handle in dim place better than compact, can change lens ( but you need to pay more ha ha ha )
: Negative : Huge, heavy, some place not allow you to use DSLR.
Mirror Less : Due to large size of image receiver it similar to DSLR but smaller .
Negative you can’t view from view finder.
Compact : Good in daylight, but due to small image receiver quality image may not as much as DSLR
Hope this can help
When you start to as yourself What photographic camera should I buy it would not take you lengthy to find that any once there are probably over 100 different models of photographic camera to select from. First of all,how much are you willing to spend?
The best quality will likely come from a bigger camera and certainly from bigger & heavier lenses.
Hi Evolet Pearl,
There are advanced automatic cameras available in market and you don’t have to set aperture and worry about sharpness of picture. Google camera under your budget and start taking pictures. Do share your work with us to get tips and motivation.
Since the OP hasn’t felt the need to return to this thread, I think it’s met it’s life expectancy.