Need a Critique and Advice on my Site to Make it Visually Appealing

Apologies for the late response (again). The site is looking good, so congratulations there.

Just a couple of small points. Your logo image is huge and takes a long time to load. It’s 950px × 523px in size - and over 850kB - being scaled down to 145px × 80px. I provided two scaled-down images in post #18; you should really use one of those, or create your own at the correct size.

The text goes right up to the edge of the browser window, which makes it look crowded. Setting right and left padding of around 1em on the body will help that. A more complex solution would be to give the entire contents a wrapper div, and set a width of maybe 96% on that, with a max-width of, say, 60em to prevent the lines of text becoming too wide to read comfortably. (One drawback with that is that it will cause the navigation bar to wrap onto two lines and it might require a little more styling to look good. If you want to go down that route, we can help if needed.)

I didn’t proof-read the site, but I did notice a typo on your training page. I’m pretty sure the heading which reads “Training Schedule for the Developing Accessible Wet Content Course” should really be referring to a “web” course!

You do need to run your pages through the validator - see post #4 - as there are a few errors. If you need help fixing any of them, please ask.

I hope that helps.