My Internet Is Trash

Someone beat me on the poor download speed! :open_mouth:

from what I have read, some parts of the USA have 2Gb/s speeds - I would.t call that slow - its twice as fast as the wired part of most local networks

This is the first time I’ve heard of 2gbps, but apparently it’s true. That is very obviously just a gimmick to compete with Google Fiber hype at a $400/mo price. That’s commercial pricing. Google Fiber is only in a few places and those are the only places where 1gbps is even a possibility. Most places are <100mbps. The best I can get is 25. I think @RyanReese posted his work’s commercial line.

I expected much better because I have fibre but well, I’m using WI-FI right now. A few seconds ago, download speed was 11 and upload around 4

I checked mine again about an hour after I posted the image and it had gone down to 21Mb - time makes a difference.

Sundays are usually very bad.

I always had the impression you lived in a big city - no idea why!

Well there are experiments on fibre being run that are at much higher speeds - 255Tb/s was achieved in one test I have seen mentioned. So in a few years time 2Gb/s will be considered extremely slow. .

The actual limit for fibre optic connection speeds is still unknown - all the speed limiting is caused by whatever is connected to it at both ends.

Jeez. I currently have about 50mbps down and 10mbps up. My home can support upto 500mbps at $200 a month or something but I don’t need that speed.

It was. Here is my home network for comparison. Considering I pay 50 a month, I don’t think I’ll ever switch.


The signal sent is light, so the data transfer will be light speed, I don’t think there is much faster than that.
So it is just the speed of transmission and reception, as in the the Morse guy with the flash-light at one end and the person writing it down at the other.

I live in the Country side or as we say locally in the County, not a city. I’m able to see Antelope frolicking among cows and horses. I just performed a speed test and these are my results.

Not to shabby. Currently we do not have any enforced caps limiting how much we download.


Because in vBulleting, where we could add personalized text, I had “From Madrid to Heaven”

Yes, I live in a big city :slight_smile:

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Ah that explains it.

Here in the UK my home connection I’m paying £39 a month (about $55USD)

I tried mine at work:-

When they first put fibre in it was about 80 down and 16 up.
With the pipe it seems you sacrifice some DL speed to bring the UL up to equal it.
Working in video production, we upload a lot of HD video, which is why we wanted increased the upload speed.


I’m paying 25euros for IPTV, Internet.

Btw everyone with bad internet connection, should move to Romania :slight_smile:

thanks for all the reply’s. :joy:

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This is what I’m getting on 4G. I can check at home, but I know it will read at around 10Mb download and maybe 2Mb upload.

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