Mobile Programming for Beginners?

can any one help me with developing blackberry applications

Sorry I have no knowledge about blackberry application. I use Nokia and I think it is the best one.

Objective-C is the most difficult programming language there is (in my opinion). The best way is to take a course on Java, C, or C++. Programming languages are similar. Even though Java, C, and C++ are different languages, they have the same concept (Java uses println, C uses printf, C++ uses cout, and Objective-C uses addSubview:[NSString stringWithString]:slight_smile:

When I started to learn how to program for the iPhone, I quickly learned that it would take too long to create the book app I wanted. So I paid a programmer to create it in such a way that I can swap out chapters and save as a new book. Works great.

Now I’m learning to use PhoneGap. There, I’m using my HTML/CSS skills to create my apps, and PhoneGap to port them to Xcode for the iPhone and to Eclipse for the Android market. If you are able to create exactly what you need using HTML/CSS/Javascript, then you can go that route (Forget about learning Obj-C), and they’ll be native apps you can sell in the App Store or Android Market.

I was thrilled to find that because I developed an app in HTML/CSS/JS for the iPhone, I was easily able to use all the pages as-is and port them right to the Android. I just needed to learn the Android-specific requirements, and tweak the CSS to fit the Android environment. It was pretty easy.

The big plus is that the Android and iPhone environments recognize Javascript and are able to make them look native. In other words, you have have a drop-down of <option>s, but the iPhone will turn it into a jack-pot-like spinner in the device, as though it were coded as Obj-C.

A mobile application from other device wants to access this data . But as the data is sensitive ,we provide security to the data and validate the user who wants the access.We don’t want to use the internet.and there is an agent system on the mobile which will do the work of providing the security.

I’m not a programmer, but I’ve been reading a lot lately, and there seems to be a growing view that app development will lean more in the direction of HTML5/CSS3/JS in coming years, which is great news for web developers.

Pure speculation. Best bet is vendor specific technology.

I guess it will be combined, most applications will use the specific technology and other support/linking applications will go towards HTML5/CSS3/JS. Technology is advancing very fast, you never know what we’ll be programming tomorrow and on which platform. :slight_smile:

Creating apps in vendor specific code is much like the bad old days of html sites that could only be viewed in one browser. It’s not the most efficient approach in the current marketplace where there is substantial share across different platforms, and the frameworks are available that supply a ‘write once, deploy everywhere’ solution.

I would say most web developers do not want to learn Objective C just to code for the iPhone, so I do believe that app development is leaning towards web technologies. I myself would rather code an app in HTML5 and JS then having to dig into C. That said, I don’t believe that these type of apps will take over the “normal” ones, probably just become a bit more popular then they are now.

The problem with native applications is that they are device dependent. Meaning that for every device one desires to support essentially a completely separate app must be written. However, web based applications can easily be made device independent. So unless there are specific needs that require being so close to the hardware I would say most the time it is more cost effective to create a web application than a native application. The book: building mobile has a good overview of going native or web.

There’s also an interesting conversation with John Allsopp about this on a recent SitePoint podcast.

New Rick Rolled?

Sorry, posted the wrong link somehow. :blush: Fixed now.

what are you all talking about?
mobile application programming has little if anything to do with web development

More and more mobile app. programming is being done with HTML, CSS and JavaScript, so that will become less and less true.

can you please give an example?

There are some JavaScript frameworks for mobile apps that are really taking off now, like Sencha Touch and [URL=“”]jQTouch, but I also recommend you listen to John Allsopp on this topic in [URL=“”]this recent SitePoint podcast.

I am a developer and very interested in Mobile development because there is no doubt that it is THE FUTURE.

I have been experimenting (read: playing around) with PhoneGap, specifically on iOS, and am quite impressed with the success. Their API documentation appears to be thorough. However, as I tried their examples I uncovered some problems.

I have created a github repository that consists of EXAMPLES from the PhoneGap API documentation, corrected where I found errors, all compiled into a single app. The intention is to quickly get a good feel for what is possible with PhoneGap.

The repo is public and I invite anyone interested to “Watch”, “Fork” and/or “Pull Request” it as you wish.
I hope to update and enhance it as my skill and experience with PhoneGap increases.

Your link is broken! Isn’t this the right one?