Mobile News - Mobile music, iOS in Europe and Play vs App Stores

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A mixed bag of mobile developer related news this fortnight, so I thought I’d share a few items that stood out for me.

Last night a friend showed me the new releases of Garageband and Music Notes for iOS. I was a professional musician about ten years ago and used to use some of the early versions of Garageband for OS X and see what is now possible on a portable device is amazing and opens massive potential for traveling musicians. It reminded me of a meeting I had with the founders of SoundTrap who have created something Garageband-like entirely with JavaScript (well, Dart, but close enough).

In related news, Apple have opened their first European iOS development center in Italy. For those of in this general area of the World who want to learn better iOS development skills, we now have the opportunity.

Finally, in news-that-we-might-have-heard-before, once again app downloads in the Play store far exceeded those in the App store, but despite this growth, revenue is still far higher for the App store. The question remains as to how Google can make it’s store fulfil it’s money-making potential.

I’d love to hear your thoughts :slight_smile:

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