[Miscommunication] How do you center non-tables?

They CAN, but I did not know that you were planning such a long page, so I created an example with three independent tables which seemed to fit your test text, rather than one long table.

This happens all the time when one does not have complete information when asked to code a page. It can be very frustrating and time consuming to start over. You are probably starting to understand why we ask so many questions about how a web page is to be used and what it will contain, and more.

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I was just seeing what I could do, so, with that being said, would you say for a longer page I should stick with an html table?

Personally, I would use a non-html table by adding rows to the code that I gave you. If your code is well formatted, the conversion is easy.

Give me a few minutes and I’ll change that demo page so it is a non-html table.

Just for my information, what IDE or editor do you use to write your code?

How would you convert a tcell into either a table or non-table?

I tried changing all tcell to table, but that didn’t work.

I’m confusing you by assuming that you understand that an HTML table uses <table>, <thead>, <tr>, <th>, and/or <td> tags. And assuming that you understand that a non-html table uses tags, such as <div>s, and, through the power of CSS, assigns table behaviors to them with properties like {display:table}, {display:table-row}. {display:table-cell}, etc.

Apparently, you are unwilling to believe me, as I know I’ve advised you at least twice already that HTML tables should only be used for tabular data. So let me direct you to this:

The <table> element represents data with more than one dimension, in the form of a table.

Tables must not be used as layout aids. There are a variety of alternatives to using HTML tables for layout, primarily using CSS positioning and the CSS table model.

Full information: https://www.w3.org/wiki/HTML/Elements/table

This is the code that uses table: https://jsfiddle.net/sgbkgzsn/

asasass, I would like for you to think about something, please. When you say that you were just seeing what you could do, you are actually saying that you are using other people to do work for you what you do not know how to do for yourself. You are keeping us pretty busy “trying things” that you wonder about.

There’s nothing there that looks like tabular data so you shouldn’t be placing it in a table.

When you use a table you should include column and row headings to identify what each cell contains - if you can’t do that then DON’T use a table as all tables have row and column headings in order to be a table…


How do you set up a non-table then?

Can you tell me what IDE or text editor you use?

By using the correct semantic tags that describe what your content actually is without any thought as to how it will look or sound or be printed in braille or whatever means people use to access it.

HTML describes what the content is - that is ALL it does.

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I don’t use any. I’m new to this.

So how is your code created, where are you inputting it?

I’m saving them in Google docs.

I have a bunch of folders saved of codes I’ve learned.

But where are you actually typing the code, In notepad or some other program?

codepen / jsfiddle, I do a lot of copy and pasting.

No wonder you are so proficient with jsfiddle and CodePen. Lots of experience! :slight_smile:

Are you able to take a community college course in HTML and CSS or an online course or read a book course?

I think it would really be a big help to you.

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