Microsoft Q&A Session: Visual Studio, Phone Gap, Xamarin and DevExtreme

The only legit reason I can think of is a reluctance to step outside the comfort zone to learn how


I agree. You REALLY need to think Cross Platform, when you set out to develop an app. In the past 5 years the leading mobile app platform changed hands 4 times. If you go out thinking you are going to develop an iOS app, or an Android app, you will lock yourself out of 60% or more of the potential market. You really need to think cross platform. I’ll post a link to an intro video I did about this.


@jpdp ASP.NET MVC designer anyone? :stuck_out_tongue: I think devs should be comfortable in code, it is so much quicker to get around UI. (again my opinion)


Video introducing Cross Platform Device Independent Delivery


Thank you so much Paul for sharing your knowledge and insights with us. This has been an incredibly eye-opening conversation on cross-platform development, creating apps, and generally expanding your possibilities as a Dev. If anyone is curious to see Xamarin.Forms, DevExpress Grid and Azure Mobile Services in use, check out Paul’s live presentation tomorrow:

if your question was missed let us know and we’ll try to get them answered :slight_smile:

Thank you @PaulUsher for taking the time to answer all our questions!


Yes, from time to time we have members here that only know “design mode” and getting them up to snuff takes some effort.


@Mittineague the challenge is to accept that we need to continue to hone our skills and grow, even the sharp axe gets blunt without care.


Yeah, I was actually referring virtualized environments for deployment testing and what not. VS Express has been around since at least 2005 that I know of and It worked well. Community looks even better.

I think developer editions would be a smart move. Win over a developer at home and he’ll bring you with him to his workplace. :wink:


That is often the case, but consider this, if you don’t step out of that comfort zone, pretty soon you’ll have plenty of time to look at it when your skill set atrophies. :slight_smile:


yes time to sharpen the Axe as I say.

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Thanks for your time, @PaulUsher, and thanks also for jumping in and adding great value, @RockyH! Really nice to have you both here. :slight_smile:

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Preaching to the choir :pray:

@ralphm it was a pleasure, thanks to @RockyH for saving my fingers a few times :smile:


My pleasure. Sorry Esther couldn’t be here she’s much prettier than I am.


That’s a great little video - nice roadmap - I don’t know why anyone would limit themselves to one platform when they can build for all.

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Thank you so much for all your help today, @RockyH! You may not be as pretty as Esther, but your comments (and Paul’s) about devs and comfort zones have really got me thinking. This Q&A has been invaluable.


Thanks @RockyH for stepping in!

Awesome! here’s a link to the free version of Visual Studio if you want to try.


Will .NET Native come out for server and desktop apps (ASP.NET, WinForms)?

Hi @tpoise .NET has supported native desktop and server apps since the beginning. You can create Windows Forms apps for desktop and all manner of server-side apps. You can do this with native controls or HTML / XAML style controls for modern (post Windows 8) apps.