Looking for responsive design inspiration

This post may not be appropriate for this forum – if so, my apologies and please do delete it. Its technically about HTML & CSS, but not a specific problem, so I thought Get Started might be most appropriate. I am wondering if it would be okay to ask for examples of responsive design sites here? I’ve looked at a lot of showcases, but I am despairing a bit because nothing feels quite right for our site.

The first issue I have with a lot of modern, responsive designs is that they seem to presume the use of photos, often filling the initial page or a broad header. This is not an option for our site since there are no appropriate photos for the content. There are some areas of the site where photos are used in articles, but for defining the overall look of the site they’re not right.

The second issue is that a lot of the showcased designs that I find have rather short text sections. We’ve got a lot of longer articles and text-heavy content, but I really dislike the look of most news sites.

If anyone has suggestions for designs that I could look at for inspiration that don’t have the above mentioned issues, that’d be great. I really need to redesign the site, but right now I can’t envision what kind of responsive layout would actually work for it.

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