Live Q&A: Guilherme Müller on HTML, 5th August at 4PM (EST)

@guilherme here’s an interesting one about the future of HTML specification.

@chrisofarabia I think that browsers could first implement what is in the spec. That would be great. But we know that that’s not what will probably happen. I think that the spec will go in the direction of satisfying the needs of ever larger and more complex applications, and the needs of responsive design techniques. However, I hope that HTML retains its simplicity. That’s what’s great about both HTML and CSS, even with all their problems, it’s so easy to get into it and start building something.


Ha! Great minds think alike :wink:

Hi @photobra!

In general, you could use the figure and figcaption tags, like this:

    <img src="..." alt="...">
    <figcaption>Caption here</figcaption>

The rest is up to the CSS code. If you define a width for the figure, the text will automatically wrap to the next line if necessary. Like this:

figure {
    width: 20em;
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@guilherme Another question sent through to us in advance: What’s the most annoying common misconception about HTML?

In my opinion, by far it is that notion that HTML is a combination of HTML, CSS and JS. Also, that HTML is a programming language (with logic and all that). It’s just not, and I hope that it will be never like that. There are other tools to achieve that objective.


I’ve notice a step to more module based coding in html what are your views on this and do you see it improving how we code in general

@guilherme this is a good one from @Benjamin_Sweetnam!


The question didn’t specify, but that would be the common misconceptions of clients and people of other fields.

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Hi @guilherme
We had this one come in in advance. What’s your take on it?

As we are looking for easier ways to style webpages people are turning towards frameworks like bootstrap. These tend to clutter the html components with unsemantic selectors. Looking at frameworks like susy (which is a semantic sass based framework) do you think web design will head more towards this kind of framework and what is your opinion on the use of either type. Is there a better way?

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Yes @aleksia, that’s interesting!

Hi @Benjamin_Sweetnam!
I think that that is a good step forward so we can better organize our worfflow, as long as we don’t lose sight of the quality of the generated code. I’ve been using Sass a lot and I think it’s great. But we have to be careful not to output poor code.


And here is the lucky last question for you @guilherme, this one also came in overnight.

What upcoming HTML features are you most excited about?


Thanks @angelamolina! This is a very important subject.

The advice I give in this case is simply this: study these frameworks and use what works for your project. I don’t use the whole HTML5 Boilerplate, for example, I took some of the things I’d use and incorporated them in my own code base (with references and links to the source, of course). Bootstrap also does cool things, but normally you don’t need it all.

I understand the importance of frameworks to standardize repetitive work, but if you are going to work on a website constantly, it’s better to develop you own solution with only what you need. That’s my opinion at least.


Ok! That’s a tough one as well, as I’d like to see some things already in browsers work better.

But answering the question, I think that the picture element is a great tool for responsive design. and Web Components are pretty interesting, and I think it has a lot of uses within HTML. That’s something I’m still studying right now as I said in a previous post.


Thanks I will give that a try. I’m still trying to learn my way out of the div world

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No problem!

Thank you so MUCH for your answer! I agree but they get all weird about updates. I tell them I’m blazing fast with them because I am- so that alleviates some of their concerns.
Thank you again!!


Well that’s a wrap.

Thank you to everybody that contributed to this discussion! I’ll be closing the discussion for now but you can still read and refer to this conversation afterwards.

@guilherme , thank you for such insightful responses and giving our audience some new HTML things to consider.

Looking forward to your next course on Premium! :heart: :computer:


<picture> has pretty specialized use cases, so also check out srcset if looking at responsive images.