List and link php files in a folder and its metatag description

here you are:

$description="ricavare metatags";
$title="estrarre meta-tags";
include "";
include "$root/intell/";

<h2>solo i tags meta dei files html (/php): get metadata</h2>

    echo "<ul>";	  
$phpfiles = glob("[^index]*.php");
foreach ($phpfiles as $phpfile){
    echo '<li><a href="'.$phpfile.'">'.pathinfo($phpfile, PATHINFO_FILENAME).'</a>';
    echo "<span>";}
foreach ($phpfiles as $files){
    echo "<p><b>$files</b></p>";   //just for testing it
    $tags = (get_meta_tags($files));
    echo $tags['description'];
    echo PHP_EOL;
    echo "</span></li>"; 
    echo "</ul>";
// the following **works**
$tags = get_meta_tags($url); 
echo "<p><b>descrizione</b>: ";
echo $tags['description'];
echo "</p>";

[some other php code]  

 <?php include "$root/"; ?>