Layout: Fixed then Responsive?

No money, and the link you provided didn’t work.

I will eventually, but my lemonade stand only made $0.75 yesterday… :wink:

See my comments above.

I spend 18 hours a day trying to make money, which leaves no time to try and learn much. Even if I did, I am skeptical that it would make me any money.

As mentioned above, I did spend some time reading a tutorial from Shay Howe last night.

I would like to learn RWD and even how to build mobile apps, but anything I learn will take a lot of time, plus convincing people to hire me off of newly learned skills seems as impossible as getting hired knowing what I spent a lifetime doing already. (See How to Approach Businesses?

If you feel that way, then you should definitely ditch. I spend 95% of my 18 hour days looking for things like jobs mowing lawns to try and come up with money to pay bills. The other 5% is spent asking questions here with the hope I can survive my current situation.

It must be nice to have so much stability in your life…

My goal for the weekend was to finally sit down and try to build a simple responsive website. Sorry if my efforts aren’t quick enough for everyone… :smirk: