Javascript Slideshows

Well thank you for all your help so far :slight_smile: I appreciate it.

Why do percentages when block elements automatically will be repsonsive (take up as much space as possible)?

You don’t even need width:100% there. Block elements almost mimic that behavior by default.

Okay, but when I take it out the margins still there.

Sorry I’m just a little confused, I understand what max-width/min-width all mean, but I don’t understand how it would erase this weird margin?

Maybe I only have a basic understanding of them.

I haven’t kept up with the whole thread. Is there an online demo somewhere? I’m on a chromebook so I can’t just take code and set up a test.


edited to fix not showing link

Hint: Look at the <ul> element. They come with a preset left padding (which would push the slideshow off to the right) :slight_smile: .

If you want the answer; let me know. Otherwise, feel free to take that hint and try to work it out.

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Oh yeah, I didn’t think of that. Thanks!

I can’t see anything wrong with it now, so thanks for all your help Ryan, Pullo and Mittineague. I appreciate it all :smile:

We’ll bill you in the morning once Pullo puts in his figures into the invoice. Thank YOU! (kidding :smiley: ).

Good luck.

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