Is this JSON response good to generate?

That JSON looks fine to me… another way of representing one to many relations might be something like this

    "desc": "Capital,Summary etc",
    "datadesc": [
      "Counts of capital and summary ",
      "Testing of capital and summary ",
      "Testing of capital and summary "
    "desc": "First Reports",
    "datadesc": [
      "Completed Successfully ",
      " Still Pending ",
      "Failed twice ",
      "Re attempting ... "

… but personally I’d rather keep the JSON response to be as simple as possible, so it’s easier to extend with additional relations (say). And you can still convert it to a more dedicated structure (like the above) on the client side where required, for example like so:

const data = json.dataInfo.reduce((result, current) => {
  const entry = result.find(({ desc }) => current.desc === desc)
  const { desc, datadesc } = current

  if (entry) {
  } else {
    result.push({ desc, datadesc: [datadesc] })

  return result
}, [])