Is there a better way ? Even though this works

Thank you very much. It is really very helpful of you.

Whilst I could see the blank rows, I thought they were a product of the varying row spans not just being used as filler space. I like the idea of classing the tr with a height. It’s not omething I would have thought of, I guess what I would have done would have been to remove the cell borders so they were invisible apart from the left and of the table.

Ever the pedant, I have removed the border:1px solid #000;from the wrap element which Paul provided as it puts a second box round the box. It is easier to do that than unstyle numerous already styled td borders.

Even though this ha been a hassle I think I have grasped what Paul was saying about semantics.and whilst I have removed thousands of br-br there are a mere 47650 single ones on the site so I guess it’ not a go-er to do all of them!

One thing I had done with this page was to put all the headings in what I think was Paul’s semantically correct style, and I guess I shall recreate that, though I’ll check each section as I do it to ensure that is both valid and looks OK.

Thanks again for your efforts, I really do appreciate it.

The one thing that I shall probably need help on again will be the top left hand box because when I had used the spans instead of the brs I could get the things to line up properly. They looked fine to me, but at the top of the thread it says otherwise > [quote=“PaulOB, post:4, topic:250396”]
With a careful structure you can avoid all the miscellaneous padding/margins and magic numbers (which by the way don’t line up in your page) and simply let the html and css do the heavy lifting for you.

Let me sort this out though first

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