Interview and Job Experiences

I really appreciate this conversation! I’m looking for my first web design position, and it gives me a heads up on some of the questions I might be asked. I ran into something yesterday- this wasn’t an interview, so I apologize if it doesn’t exactly fit this discussion- but I was looking at a web firm, and I wanted to find out where they were located. I was rather excited about the company- I’d studied their website and their projects, as well as the requirements for some of their job openings. For some reason, probably not a very wise idea, I decided to walk in and talk to someone at the company. I said that I was interested in their “web design studio”. The woman stated “We’re not a studio. We build websites.” That completely caught me off guard, along with anything I had planned to say. I rather felt like a fool. I noticed that their web site refers to them as an agency. They design, develop, market, along with many other functions. I’ve been trying to find out the difference between a “studio” and an “agency”. I found an article where other people discuss the two types, and many don’t seem to think that there is much of a difference. Here’s the article, if anyone cares to see it:
I’m sure I made two mistakes: Being excited about a design firm before I get into an interview, and just walking in and talking to them, although I really didn’t consider that a bad move. If anyone has any advice for me, I certainly would appreciate it.