Installing the PHP environment - spaceshiptrooper [Style]

Windows Part 7

Installing MySQL

1.) Open up your favorite web browser if you don’t already have that opened. Open a new tab and browse to

2.) Click on the Downloads tab on the official website. Scroll way down the page and click on Community (GPL) Downloads »

3.) Once you are on the Community (GPL) Downloads page, click on the link MySQL Community Server (GPL).

4.) When you finally get to the MySQL Community Server (GPL) page, scroll way down. You’ll see an image banner. Click on the image banner because it provides the MySQL installer. The rest are basically the binaries and it’ll take you longer than you want if you are going to compile the actual binaries for MySQL. So it’s recommended to use the installer.

5.) After you have clicked on the image banner, it’ll direct you to the installer page. Again, just scroll down the page and you’ll see 2 options or a few other options. Download mysql-installer-web-community-x.x.xx.x.msi. The other installer isn’t the one we need. We need the web community one since it provides the MySQL server.

6.) Once again, after clicking on and going through multiple links, will give you another page to look at. Just scroll down and click on No thanks, just start my download.

7.) When you finally get to download and save the MySQL installer, click on the Save File button. It should save the installer to your default Downloads directory unless you specified it to download somewhere else. If you have, navigate to it.

8.) Open File Explorer and browse to your Downloads directory or click on the Downloads history dropdown list and then right-click and click on Open Containing Folder. This should open up the Downloads directory.

9.) Once in your Downloads directory, click on the MySQL installer. The installer should prompt you a warning dialog box. Click on Run and it’ll start the installer.

10.) The MySQL installer splash page should appear while you are waiting for the installer to load. Once the installer loads, the splash page should disappear and the installer should appear. The first thing you’ll see are the listed Terms and Conditions from Oracle. You don’t have to read the terms if you don’t want to. Just click on the checkbox and click on Next >.

11.) The Development Default option provides a ton of features and softwares such as MySQL Workbench. But we only want the MySQL server. All of those other softwares really aren’t needed unless you really want them. So for this tutorial, we’re going to select Server Only to save time and resource because we only need the MySQL server. Select which ever one you want. Once you are finished deciding which one you want, click on the Next > button.

12.) Once you have reached this page, just click on the Execute button. The MySQL installer will download the required files first and then install the MySQL server. Once the installer is finished, click on the Next > button.

13.) You’ll now come across this page which is basically just informative for what will be on the next page. Not really anything special on this page. So click on Next >.

14.) On this page, just leave everything default. Don’t mess around with this page or you might not get the MySQL server up and running. So just click Next > again.

15.) On this page, it’ll ask you to type in a default password for your root account. I suggest picking something simple that you’ll remember. I choose the password root. Once you have your password all set, click on Next >.

16.) On this page, I suggest renaming MySQL57 to just MySQL because that’s going to be the name of the service and it’s a lot easier to remember that the service is called MySQL instead of MySQL57. So click on Next > once you are done renaming the service.

17.) For this page, just click on Next > because there’s really nothing to do on this page.

18.) Once you have reached this page, click on Execute. At times, this page may fail due to collisions made from your anti-virus. I suggest adding the MySQL installer as an exception and add it to your firewall. The MySQL installer may already add itself to your firewall by default so I suggest to just do it in case it doesn’t.

19.) You may at some point get this error message. This simply means that the installer is taking longer than it should be. Sometimes it could be caused by your anti-virus as I have said. Just click on OK and then click on Finish. Usually if this error message affects you, it would normally relay you back to this particular page and ask you to press the Execute button again. But if you are able to go on to a different page, then it probably didn’t affect you. Everyone gets affected by this message differently. If you are getting a different message and you can’t seem to get out of it, message me or submit a post in this tutorial and I’ll try to get back to you as soon as possible. Remember to also point out which step you left off on and which part of the tutorial such as Installing MySQL or Installing PHP. If you didn’t get this message or any alert box like this, don’t worry about it. Click on Finish.

20.) On this page, just click on Next >. Again, the MySQL installer pretty much has a lot of pages that are just informative. Same thing can be said about downloading the installer process. It’s basically jumping through hoops just to get to where you really want to go.

21.) Again, click on Finish. Nothing to see on this page. The installer should also close out which means that you are finished installing MySQL.