Important Software Development Trends in 2015

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In the past, software and hardware development were two separate projects with extensively different skill sets. Today, hardware typically requires some type of software to function, be it on-board code or a remote interface.

At a presentation during CEA Innovate 2014 the combination of software and hardware took center stage in a session titled “The Keys to Startup Success,” which discussed key trends for technology professionals to focus on:

Sensors and Wearables

What started as a novelty is now one of the hottest sectors in the technology space. As nations across the world struggle to cope with rising healthcare costs, healthcare providers and companies are going to turn to medical data gathered from real time sensors to inform and improve medical decisions.

For software developers, the creation of algorithms to process the troves of medical information is going to be an essential skill for many companies to succeed in the healthcare space. Additionally, coming up with effective ways to visualize this information is crucial so that users actually put it to good use.

While wearable technology and sensors are technically hardware devices, software developers are going to be vital for creating applications and services that make it possible for consumers to put the devices to good use.

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