If you're in this folder then display this

Thinking about it, the bit of script that is writing $rpath is likely causing problems.
Rather than using ../ to find your root, use includes like this:

include $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/mypath/myscript.php";

you mean like this?

if ($dir == $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/blend") {
    include $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/1cde/amznbl.php";

Possibly not this bit:

($dir == $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/blend")

but certainly the second line.
Try throwing a very simple test into your directory and run it.

echo '<p>CWD: '.getcwd().'</p>';
echo '<p>Docroot: '.$_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].'</p>';

Once you know what they both output, you know what you need to do to make them match up.

$dir = str_replace('bits of path you dont want', '', getcwd() ) ;

Hi - the problem with this solution is that I must have multiple files “amzn*.php”. And if I make a small change in one file, I have to change them all!

I’m trying a different solution now with:

where I can put the search phrases for each folder in a functions.php and have just this on the main page:

<?php echo getPrase(); ?>

will keep you posted…

Hi Val. That link take me to the profile of someone. Was it meant to link to a thread giving you an answer to your issue?

Hi no - that’s the guy I’m paying $35 for the solution. It’s really neat. It’s working great. Will ask his permission to post it here. He’s giving it to me by email not online.

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Hi – here’s the solution. It works perfectly. Now I can change things like search phrase and amzn_assoc_title in one file, namely, functions.php, instead of having to change things individually in multiple files.

I was lucky, I was able to simply add it to my wordpress functions.php so I never had to add anything to the top of files. Almost all my pages are NOT wordpress, but they all call up the wp environment with:
<?php require '../wp-blog-header.php';?>
so I can use a wordpress testimonials plugin on non-wordpress pages.

So if you have wordpress functions.php, you just add the functions.php code below to it, and if you don’t have wordpress, then you create a functions.php in root.

From Andrew at http://www.phphelp.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=72272:

Install functions.php in the root directory (if you don’t have wordpress).

Add the following line to the top of the files where you will be using it:

<?php include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '\functions.php'; ?>
//not needed if you’re using wordpress functions.php

In those same pages, where you currently have the amazon JavaScript code, remove it and add the following:

<?php echo getPhrase(); ?>

here’s the file for functions.php:

function getPhrase() {
    $phrase = array (
            'default' => 'sprouters',
            'blend' => 'countertop blenders',
            'dhd' => 'dehydrators',
            'eat' => 'raw food',
            'hydro' => 'hydroponic towers',
            'juice' => 'auger juicers',
            'sprout' => 'sprouters',
            'water' => 'alkaline water ionpod', 
    $amazonTemplate = <<<TXT
    <script type="text/javascript">
    amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0";
    amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "gogreen047-20";
    amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "search";
    amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart";
    amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon";
    amzn_assoc_region = "US";
    amzn_assoc_textlinks = "";
    amzn_assoc_linkid = "";
    amzn_assoc_default_search_phrase = "{{phrase}}";
    amzn_assoc_title = "&nbsp;&#62;&#62;&nbsp;Find Today's Top Bargains in Appliances &amp; Raw Foods!";
    $uri = explode ( '/' , $_SERVER ['REQUEST_URI'] );
    $interest = $uri [count ( $uri ) - 2];
    $search = '';
    if (array_key_exists ( $interest, $phrase )) {
        $search = $phrase[$interest];
    } else {
        $search = $phrase['default'];
        return str_replace('{{phrase}}', $search, $amazonTemplate);

cool, eh? To see it in action, go to http://greensmoothie.com/ and click on any of the dropdowns from “Eating Raw” on (ignore Free Stuff & Shop), scroll to bottom of a page and you’ll see in each folder (eat, sprout, blend, etc) it has a different search phrase and thereby displays amazon products that are unique to that folder (raw food, sprouters, blenders, etc).

thanks for everyone’s input! – Val

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@valarcher Many thanks for sharing your solution with us. Glad you got a resolution.

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