How will my teacher rate my website?

or the use of the <section> tag for most of them.

The IDs would still be necessary as targets, but the string of selectors would be reduced.


He might be expecting a proper code indentation (thinking of the tags in the divs and that the css ruleblock’s first declaration should have its own line ), that will not change the code, it would only be easier for him to read and understand.

(When you are finished and if you got the time of course. A nice code never hurts.)


Yes, I agree that the class would be the appropriate way.

But it would only shorten one line in the css. :stuck_out_tongue:


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@ronpat @Erik_J @cpradio and all

Ok guys, 2 hours ago i got my grade for the website.

It is…

15 (out of 15 points) = A+ = best possible grade :sweat_smile:

Teacher made a small comment like “css was very impressive” :relaxed: (I said thank you - nothing else, and he moved on)

Out of 25 students, there where only 2x A+, average was more around B-, the other guy who got the A+ does webdesign as a hobby for years.

So a big THANK you to all of you guys, especially @ronpat for all the time he put in for the “impressive css” :slight_smile:

Now i will get a B in the certificate for this semester (because my test was bad), which is great!

Now next semester starting in 2 weeks we have to learn java - no, not javascript, which i hoped for - as far as i understand it is the java everyone tells me only banks still use it. Um well, we will see…


Congratulations, @Anna18. You definitely showed a desire to do your very best in this assignment. It’s nice to hear all your hard work paid off.

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Thanks! I want to become a doctor, and to get a slot at a good university for medicine is actually very competitive. So i am basically forced to have mostly A and only couple of B grades. So not much room for error here. Sometimes hard, but thats what i want, so i will fight for it.


I noticed you reformatted the html and the css code, both with a proper indentation.

Well done!


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