How to update XAMPP PHP version

Sorry. I didn’t know I’m supposed to do that. What lines am I to remove/add??

You need to do a compare of the new and old php.ini files and work out from the differences which entries from the old file you need to add or amend in the new file.

For entries in the new file not in the old file you probably want to keep them. For entries in the old file not in the new file you probably want to add them to the new file. For entries in both but with different values you need to consider whether you changed the value in the old file or not - if you didn’t then the value the new file has is probably okay.

I used to compare the files when I upgraded the PHP version in my XAMPP install earlier this year.

$men = array("rubble", "mittineague", "oddz", "felgall", "cpradio", "nmeri17", "chorn", "spaceshiptrooper");
$today = new Datetime ("now");
$op_date = new Datetime (Sitepoint::current_thread->get_init_date());
$man_hours = $today->diff($op_date);
$total_hours = count($men) * $man_hours * 24;
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Seen. I’ll look at it when I get home thanks.

Done. I used this instead. It spotted all the differences which happen to absolute file paths in the new PHP ini i.e. all pointers like this
xdebug.profiler_output_dir = "\xampp\tmp" get converted to xdebug.profiler_output_dir = "C:\xampp\tmp",

mime_magic.magicfile = "\xampp\php\extras\magic.mime" to mime_magic.magicfile = "C:\xampp\php\extras\magic.mime" and so on and so forth… Each time I try running that set .bat file, it logs Sorry but...nothing to do. I think I’m done with XAMPP. Someone suggest a nice VM; if the size is within my reach, I’ll give it a go.

Resolved. I installed WAMP instead and so far, so good.

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