How to highlight cells in one table as matching cells in another table are highlighted

This should work when the same character occurs more than once.

<html lang="en">

<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,height=device-height,initial-scale=1">

<title>table stuff</title>

<!--<link rel="stylesheet" href="screen.css" media="screen">-->

<style media="screen">
body {
    background-color: #f9f9f9;
    font: normal 1em / 1.5em BlinkMacSystemFont, -apple-system, 'Segoe UI', roboto, helvetica, arial, sans-serif;

table {
    border-collapse: collapse;
    background-color: #fff;

td {
    padding: 0.4em;
    border: 1px solid #999;

.highlight {
    background-color: #fc9; 

    background-color: #9ce; 



<h2>Table One</h2>

 <table id="table1">

<h2>Table two</h2>

 <table id="table2">


(function() {
 "use strict";

 var onlyPairs = true,
 t1 = document.getElementById('table1'),
 t2 = document.getElementById('table2');

 var arr1 = ArrayFromTable(t1),
     arr2 = ArrayFromTable(t2);

 t1.addEventListener('mouseover', highlight.bind(t1, t2, arr1, arr2, true));
 t2.addEventListener('mouseover', highlight.bind(t2, t1, arr2, arr1, true));
 t1.addEventListener('mouseout', highlight.bind(t1, t2, arr1, arr2, false));
 t2.addEventListener('mouseout', highlight.bind(t2, t1, arr2, arr1, false));
 t1.addEventListener('click', select);
 t2.addEventListener('click', select);

 function ArrayFromTable(tbl) {
  return Array.from(tbl.rows).map(function(row) {
   return Array.from(row.cells).map(function(cell) {
    return cell.textContent;

 function highlight(tbl, arrA, arrB, mode, event) {
  if( != 'TD') {
  var r =,
      char =;

  for(c=0; c<arrA[r].length; c++) {
   if(arrA[r][c] == char) {
    this.rows[r].cells[c].classList.toggle('highlight', mode);
   if(arrB[r][c] == char) {
    tbl.rows[r].cells[c].classList.toggle('highlight', mode);

 function select(event) {
  if( != 'TD') {

  var r =,
      a = t1.rows[r].querySelectorAll('.selected'),
      A = t1.rows[r].querySelectorAll('.highlight'),
      b = t2.rows[r].querySelectorAll('.selected'),
      B = t2.rows[r].querySelectorAll('.highlight');

  function toggleClass(node) {
   node.classList.toggle(this.class, this.mode);

  function hasClass(node, className) {
   return node != null && node.classList.contains(className);

  a.forEach(toggleClass, {class: 'selected', mode: false});
  b.forEach(toggleClass, {class: 'selected', mode: false});

  if((!onlyPairs || A.length && B.length) && !(hasClass(a[0], 'highlight') || hasClass(b[0], 'highlight'))) {
   A.forEach(toggleClass, {class: 'selected', mode: true});
   B.forEach(toggleClass, {class: 'selected', mode: true});




Hi alperquin,
Thank you yet again for your super-fast reply - itā€™s very kind of you to help me like this. It does the job perfectly and Iā€™m well pleased. Brilliant stuff - but Iā€™m still trying to grasp how it all worksā€¦heheh - Iā€™ll get there eventually with this sort of help.
All the best to you alperquin - You Rock!!

Hi to all,

Firstly, thank you again to all who helped thus far - I have more questions to ask, if thatā€™s okayā€¦

I hope this doesnā€™t seem too weird but I would like the tables to behave as follows (while retaining the existing functions):

Table 2: The top row is currently a row header.

I would like it if I could hover over the header rowā€™s cells and doing so causes the related column to highlight (including the header cell) as the header cells are hovered overā€¦

And, clicking a header cell causes the column below to become highlighted (selected) until clicked again.

Also, it would be great if Table 2 could be horizontally scrollable, but as the table scrolls L/R the header row and the highlighting of any selected column(s) doesnā€™t scroll; e.g. if columns 4, 6 and 7 are selected (by clicking those header cells), then as you scroll L/R, those columns remain selected (highlighted) as the tableā€™s data scrolls L/R (i.e. columns 4, 6 and 7 remain highlighted, until those header cells are clicked again).

Sorry if thatā€™s a lot to ask. I am trying to make a sort of educational puzzle. I have tried to figure this out myself but am getting nowhere. If any of it can be done using CSS that would be interesting.

Thank you very much for your time. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

All the best,


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thank you

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