How should next gen web apps be developed?

Hello. During the last year I have been developing single page applications using Angular. I really enjoy some aspects of the framework, but other parts make it a no-go for the long run, and makes me want to take a more vanilla js approach.

  • Web components are going to replace component directives in Angular. It is just a matter of time. And I don’t like the lock-in that angular causes. With the upcoming release of Angular 2.

  • Stack traces from h*ll. Like 60% of the time, the stack traces won’t give me a good idea of what the actual problem is. For me this slows down development.

  • Leaky abstractions. $scope.$apply(). This is not a major pain point for me, but seeing how nicely the evented model of native web components work, I want something that is a bit cleaner.

So I want to start using web components + polyfills for the component part, but when it comes to data binding and loops (like ng-repeat) I am kind of stuck. What are your suggestions?

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